Methods of how NECADE and it’s community achieve it’s goals.
Altruism and Learning
All of our sessions will incorporate some degree of altruism. Whether it be Smiles for ME Veterans, Donated Dental Smiles, or your own pro bono work in your patient family, giving back must accompany your learning. We are blessed to have the skills we possess, and it’s a mission of NECADE to use this power for good.
Access to Experts and Mentors
If part of our mission is to “go out on a limb”, it’s critical that we have a team of experts to help the community navigate the “next level”. All members of the community will be able to reach out to our team of dental nerds.
Embrace the Losses
Growth never happens when we always succeed. True growth happens when we don’t get the outcome we had hoped for. All participants are expected to showcase their failures, not just their wins. Dentistry is replete with experts showing us what is possible. This is great to see but rarely translates to learning of the masses. Learning happens when we fail, or learn from other’s failures. As we all agree to leave egos at home, this concept should be fruitful for all involved.
A Promise of Contribution
All members of the NECADE community agree to give as well as receive. Power comes from multiple sources of contribution, and it is an expectation that members contribute to the greater end. There will be multiple ways to do so.
1). Upload video content for possible posting on the YouTube channel.
2). Post a case failure, along with your assessment on what could’ve been done differently.
3). Be an active member of the Facebook group.
4). Submit protocols into the “clinical library”.
5). Share stories of the lives that you’ve changed.
Become an Expert
Is there an aspect of dentistry that you’ve cultivated to the point that you are an expert? We believe it will take an army to bring members to the “next level”. If you find this interesting, we’d love to chat.
Leadership Hierarchy
Karate, corporate America, Native American Tribes. These are all examples of entities with an embedded hierarchy. If you want to be part of the community and it’s growth, we invite you to the Leadership Hierarchy.